An officially recognized retailer offering a wide array of Fluval products and expertise.
Fluval connects with respected and influential leaders in various areas of the aquatic world to tackle the most pressing issues affecting the fish keeping hobby. From individual experts to grassroots organizations to large charitable groups, our Ambassadors share a common passion for fish. Their actions and words embody Fluval’s commitment to promoting responsible fish care and the protection of the natural world around us.
To say that Tom is a tropical fish expert would be an understatement. His passion for tropical fish was spawned from a very young age. By the time he reached 12, he was already building aquariums alongside his father. As an active fish club member, Tom has documented the breeding of hundreds of different tropical fish species, and knows everything there is to know about their origins, biology, compatibility, feeding habits and more.
The half century of aquatic knowledge that Tom has accumulated has translated into countless Fluval videos, blogs, articles and other great content. Always keen for adventure, Tom has travelled the world with Fluval to educate consumers, train members of the trade, and even lead jungle-hopping expeditions such as Colombia 2013 – where he and fellow Brand Ambassador Oliver Lucanus discovered a new species of fish! Tom has also spent over 2 decades with Fluval developing new products in the lighting, nutrition and water care categories, many of which were industry firsts.
Oliver is a lifelong aquarist with over 3 decades of experience in keeping, importing and photographing fish. He has travelled to many countries to collect and document fish and their natural habitats, which includes leading multiple Fluval-sponsored expeditions to South America.
Oliver also works for the Canadian Airborne Biodivesity Observatory, a research project documenting natural spaces using remote sensing. Oliver is also the co-founder of the Fish + Forest Project at McGill University in Montreal, a project that unites earth science and fish ecology to gain a better understanding of threatened ecosystems worldwide.
As an active field agent and Fluval’s first official “Conservation Ambassador,” Oliver takes social media fans where no other brand can go. Along his journeys, he helps educate fishkeepers on a variety of environmental issues that not only affect wild habitats, but the aquarium hobby itself.
Gary is a retired teacher with more than 50 years of fishkeeping experience. Having kept and bred hundreds of species, Gary specializes in smaller fish (i.e. Aphyosemion, Micropoecilia, etc.). He has co-authored 3 fish books and edited several others. Additionally, he has been featured in over 150 magazine publications, and was previously a contributing editor at TFH as well as an editor-at-large for Amazonas – 2 very popular and influential aquarium hobby magazines.
As one of Fluval’s regular contributing editors, Gary produces videos and blogs about the “hidden gems” of the fishkeeping hobby. His wealth of experience provides Fluval fans with a unique opportunity to learn about and appreciate species they may have overlooked, or simply never heard of at all.
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