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Discover FX’s legendary mix of high performance power and superior cleaning efficiency.

Take a Bite on the Wild Side

Bug Bites complete daily diets are formulated to address the natural, insect-based feeding habits of fish.

See Your Aquarium in High Definition

The FX UVC In-Line Clarifier quickly and easily connects with all external filters to create crystal clear viewing.

Innovative Solutions For All Your Aquarium Needs

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Discover how Fluval helps keep your daily running costs low with our energy consumption calculator.

Fluval Social

Give your tank a BIO BOOST!
Fluval Cycle instantly establishes a safe biological habitat with a powerful infusion of beneficial bacteria to keep your fish safe and healthy.

#aquarium #fishtank #nitrogencycle #healthy #watercare

Fluval Bug Bites are formulated to address the natural, insect-based feeding habits of fish, with added proteins, vitamins and minerals to offer a complete and healthy daily diet.

LEARN MORE: https://fluvalaquatics.com/us/shop/product/bug-bites

Thanks to @zlam_dunk for the laugh! 😂

He knows his stuff

Wondering what a Fluval aquarium would look like in your home? With our AR feature, wonder no more! Use the link below to visualize Fluval aquarium sets anywhere in your home with just the push of a button.

Get started with Fluval AR: https://fluvalaquatics.com/us/augmented-reality

How many fish species can you spot in this video?

#aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #communitytank #fishkeeping

Come on in, the water's poison!

In the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, 1000 m below the surface, lies the "jacuzzi of despair" – a lethal hellscape that kills anything unlucky enough to enter it. The water here is five times saltier than the surrounding seawater, and is home to a toxic mixture of chemicals, including methane gas and hydrogen sulfide.

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGLtMWx28hs

With the safety of biological carbon dioxide production and the convenience of pressurized delivery, Fluval Bio-CO2 Pro systems are engineered for performance! 🌿

#aquarium #fishtank #aquascape #plantedtank #bioco2

Fluval AC Series filters feature a precision motor design that smoothens rotations for maximized water flow, minimal vibrations and less noise!

LEARN MORE: https://fluvalaquatics.com/us/shop/product/aquaclear

Dwarf neon rainbowfish love the sunlight in the morning! 🌞

#aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #rainbowfish #sunlight

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