Water Care

Fluval water care solutions help create ideal conditions that mimic those found in nature, making a safe environment for your fish.


Cycle instantly establishes a safe biological habitat with a powerful infusion of beneficial bacteria

AquaPlus neutralizes harmful chlorine and undesirable metals found in tap water

Waste Control reduces unsafe organic matter that builds up on surfaces

Cycle instantly establishes a safe biological habitat with a powerful infusion of beneficial bacteria

AquaPlus neutralizes harmful chlorine and undesirable metals found in tap water

Waste Control reduces unsafe organic matter that builds up on surfaces

Available Formulas

Aqua Plus Water Conditioner

Available in Multiple Sizes

Cycle Biological Enhancer

Available in Multiple Sizes

Waste Control Biological Aquarium Cleaner

Available in Multiple Sizes

Water Care Solutions

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Understanding The Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle is on ongoing process that keeps the chemical balance of water at sustainable levels for fish, plants and corals. Without it, naturally produced Ammonia and Nitrite will become lethal to livestock, therefore, water care supplementation is a must.

Make Your Tap Water Safe for Fish

AquaPlus neutralizes heavy metals and removes harmful chlorine and chloramine, which are commonly found in tap water and can be toxic to fish. In addition to conditioning your water, AquaPlus incorporates a patented stress relief formula for fish. It is also effective at protecting scales and fins from inflammation and infection caused by common scrapes and abrasions. AquaPlus is perfect for use in new aquarium setups and following water changes.

Good Bacteria In. Bad Bacteria Out

Cycle immediately introduces a powerful team of beneficial bacteria to your aquarium, providing a safe biological habitat. These highly effective micro-organisms quickly metabolize lethal ammonia and nitrite to establish healthy living conditions and help prevent fish loss. Cycle is ideal for use when starting new aquariums or following regular maintenance activities (i.e. water changes, filter media changes) when good bacteria is either non-existent or depleted.

Remove Organic Waste

Waste Control contains beneficial bacteria that break down unsafe organic matter (i.e. fish waste, leftover food, decaying leaves), which gather on gravel, filters, ornaments and other surfaces. Application of Waste Control is especially useful for goldfish, cichlid and heavily populated aquariums where greater amounts of waste are common. For best results, use Waste Control in combination with Fluval Cycle to provide an ideal balance between beneficial bacterial colonies. As with most Fluval water care solutions, Waste Control makes a great choice for new aquariums and following regular maintenance.

Quality You Can Trust

All Fluval water treatments are scientifically formulated and manufactured at the brand’s state-of-the-art laboratories in Montreal, Canada.

Compare Formulas

Aqua Plus Water Conditioner

Cycle Biological Enhancer

Waste Control Biological Aquarium Cleaner

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